SelastinTM is a product developed through advanced technology that triggers a chemical reaction between a crosslinking agent and hyaluronic acid (HA). This reaction is carefully optimized to ensure uniform particle size and stable viscoelasticity, enhancing efficiency and safety.
Maintaining Constant Viscoelasticity:
- We set research standards five times higher than others to ensure stable viscoelasticity and stability.
- Our filler maintains a consistently high level of viscoelasticity, far exceeding standard compliance.
Maintaining Constant Injection Force:
- We ensure that our filler maintains an injection force of 25N or less, prioritizing user comfort during the injection process.
Dialysis Process Management:
- First Dialysis: Removes NaOH and BDDE using osmotic pressure, followed by replacement with a 1M NaCl aqueous solution four times a week.
- Secondary Dialysis: Adjust the chemical properties of the final product (pH, osmotic pressure) using PBS Buffer, with dialysate replacement four times a week.
Maximizing Crosslinking with Optimized Reaction Conditions:
- SelastinTM reduces the need for crosslinking agents, ensuring safety.
Tailored Product Line:
Our product line offers uniform injection power and specific viscoelasticity tailored to each area of use.
 SelastinTM provides safe and satisfying cosmetic results for patients while maximizing their willingness to undergo treatment.
3 types of Selastin are available:
- Selastin Fine
- Selastin Deep
- Selastin Ultra